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An Executive Search Firm Serving the Nonprofit Community

Cook Silverman Search is honored to have been named one of Women of Color in Fundraising and Philanthropy’s Top Search Firms for Women of Color in 2024.


Cook Silverman takes our role in combating the discriminatory factors that influence barriers many of our candidate’s face very seriously.

These include barriers influenced by historical and institutional factors, particularly racial bias and the gender gap. 

We approach our work by acknowledging and valuing the intersections of race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, national origin, and ability.

We are committed to a nondiscriminatory approach and provide equal opportunity for candidates in all of our search efforts. Cook Silverman embraces the following actions to promote diversity and inclusion in our work towards a more equitable sector:

●   Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization by creating substantive learning opportunities and formal, transparent policies, such as wage equity

●   Partner with our clients in education about equitable hiring practices and diversifying their boards and staff to represent the communities they serve

●   Pool resources and expand offerings for underrepresented candidates by connecting with organizations committed to diversity and inclusion efforts

●   Employ best practices for being more intentional and conscious of bias during the recruitment and hiring process, including eliminating gendered keywords in job descriptions, appreciative inquiry, having a structured hiring process, directly addressing unconscious bias when discussing candidates with clients, and diversifying our networks.

●   Advocate for nonprofit sector policy that promotes diversity, inclusion, and equity

●   Challenge systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity through enforcing and educating clients and candidates on such issues as fair and equitable hiring and advocacy work within the sector

●   Demonstrate our commitment to equity and equal pay for all, by posting salary ranges on all of our job descriptions. The practice of not posting salaries perpetuates the gender wage gap and discriminates against people of color by causing individuals to negotiate from a disadvantaged starting point.  

Cook Silverman is a woman-owned and operated business and is registered as a California small business.