“Do I really need to write a cover letter???”

In a word:


“Why?” you ask.  Well, think about it. You are amongst 20, 50 200, or 2000 applicants for a job. You’ve submitted a resume. “It’s a beautiful resume,” you think. “A work of art and literature.”  Great. “What more do I need?” you say to yourself.  

But here’s the thing. A resume is supposed to be a well thought through, chronological (my preference), set of data points, tied together with perfect grammar, consistent tenses, and bullet points. 

There is no room for demonstrating passion for the mission of the organization for which you are applying, no license to tell a story about why the mission is so important to you personally, and certainly, no place to truly demonstrate your above-average talents in crafting a letter. You are applying to be a high-level nonprofit executive. Don’t you think it would be beneficial for you to stand out from the rest of the resumes submitted by demonstrating to your potential employer that you have writing chops and passion for the mission?

I can’t speak for all employers, but I can speak for those with whom we work. And the answer is… (you guessed it)…


Should it be a novella? No. It should be concise and to the point, and address both of the issues stated above: a demonstration of your writing chops and your passion for the mission, hopefully with a neat and tidy bow around why that mission is meaningful to you personally. Yes, personally. But not too personal. Think carefully about who is reading this letter and what conclusions you hope they come to, as a result.

Caring about puppies and kittens is nice when applying for an animal welfare organization. But explaining that you have spent all your free time volunteering for an animal rescue organization, including driving across state lines to transport animals to safety…that’s a different ball game. Be honest - if you simply want to change your life by working with animals because you love them, so be it. But be sure to do a really good job at the “writing chops” part and still find a way to make a compelling argument.

Remember to make it worth the reader’s time. Put your heart and soul into the cover letter. It is a defining moment in the application/resume submission game. Play it well.