What’s holding you back?

I was prompted by my editorial calendar to write about talent development this week. However, I just had the tremendous good fortune to attend the Modern Elder Academy (MEA) in beautiful Baja, Mexico, and I decided to mix things up!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with MEA, it is the brainchild of entrepreneur Chip Conley.  The workshop tracks the four key lessons in founder Chip Conley’s Wisdom@Work: The Making of a Modern Elder (Evolve, Learn, Collaborate, Counsel), and offers a midlife rewire that can help reframe and repurpose experiences in the workplace and at home by understanding one’s identity at this time of life, connecting with oneself and others, and cultivating more joy as one moves forward.  It was a life changing week for me and the 16 other brave compadres who journeyed with me. 

A major discussion point during the week was letting go of things that no longer serve us. Ask yourself the question - “What is holding you back?” 

The nonprofit world is highly demanding: in terms of one’s energy, emotional capital, resources, and most often time.  Add a commute, and any life outside of work, often including family or a social life and it seems impossible to take time to even consider this question, but my learning this past week demands attention to this question.

Time spent considering the work you do, or the life you lead and what might be holding you back from your dream job or from having a conversation with a peer or boss, or from making a change in your life, is the best use of time.  Life goes by quickly, and in order to arrive at elderhood without the proverbial “midlife crisis,” have those conversations with yourself early! Even if you’re already into your mid-life or career, it’s not too late. Take the time.  Create a game plan. And be sure to let go of what no longer serves you!

Victoria Silverman